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Taking Traffic Citation Management One Step Further.

ForCite® Mobile for State Violations


ForCite allows the issuance of state statutes and offenses and integrates in real time with your court system and RMS. With new, innovative features and back office connectivity, ForCite offers a wide range of functionality to benefit officer efficiency with an emphasis on safety.

Already approved by the Administration of Pennsylvania Courts (AOPC) and the New Jersey Administration of Courts (NJ AOC), UPsafety can issue, print and electronically file to each state's respective court system in real time. We are currently working with many police departments to modernize their issuance process.

With ForCite® Mobile:

  • Enjoy an all-in-one, streamlined traffic enforcement solution
  • Issue citations safer and faster, from start to finish
  • Capture and print photographic evidence on citation, and get fewer disputes of violation
  • Scan and instantly populate driver’s license and registration into citation fields
  • Incorporate location-based (GPS) technology
  • Integrate seamlessly with most existing MDT configurations, including laptops and tablets
  • Save time and money

Easy, Intuitive Enforcement

An intelligent interface that issues warnings and citations in less than one minute, with complete accuracy

ForCite makes enforcement easy, efficient, intuitive and safe.

From start to finish, the easy-to-read screens take you step by step through the issuing process, eliminating the need to enter paper citations into multiple databases. With PA ForCite, all your data is captured the moment the citation is issued.


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