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State-of-the-art “chalk-free” electronic tire chalking.

iChalk Screen

Chalk vehicles without notepads, bending or physical contact


Ensure maximum efficiency when chalking many vehicles at once with our streamlined, customizable process. Choose if images, license plate numbers, space/meter numbers, location names, and valve stem positions are required, optional, or not needed at all.

iChalk® includes image options for proof of violation and to assist the officer in re-confirming if the same vehicle is over time. Each one is time stamped and includes GPS information of where the vehicle was chalked.

Saved data provides easy access to license and space/meter numbers, adding confirmation on second chalk that a specific vehicle is still in the same location.

iChalk Features

Valve Stem Position Marking

Confirms that a vehicle did not move between the first and second chalks and allows the officer to quickly select the position of the valve stem based on "hour" positions on a clock. This provides additional proof that a vehicle did not move during their time chalked.

Duplicate Chalk Alerts

iChalk will intelligently identify if a vehicle's license number was chalked previously in any space that day to help identify those who may be moving their vehicle to a different space on the same street or location.

Intelligent Chalked Vehicle Sorting

"Summary by Location" sorting lets officers view and publish chalks across all locations to help make informed decisions on what areas to visit next. All sorts will identify the vehicles that are closest to the officer as they walk the streets or lots in real-time.

Real-time Google Maps® Integration

"Lets officers visibly identify where vehicles were chalked on a map as they patrol and perform actions.

iChalk Screenshots

Easy-to-navigate auto-fill screens take you step-by-step through the chalking process.

iChalk New Vehicle

iChalk Screen New Vehicle

iChalk Vehicles List

iChalk Screen Chalk Locations

iChalk Sorting Filter

iChalk Screen Sort By

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